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范浩揚博士 國際後援會

范浩揚 (原名范卡諾) – 早年生平

01.    18歲兼職成為如新(香港)最年輕主任之一
02.    在校際歌唱比賽中連續獲勝3年,並於19歲時與香港環球唱片(寶麗金)簽約成為歌手
03.    同年入讀最高學府香港大學,該校當年全球排名第22
04.    20歲成為郭富城、張學友、張信哲等知名藝人的舞蹈員
05.    23歲贏得香港電台新世紀DJ選拔大賽男子組冠軍頭銜

Champions of a number of Inter-school singing contests since the age of 16

One of the youngest NuSkin (Hong Kong) Executives at the age of 18

Double majors in English Linguistics and Chinese Language & Literature

Graduation from the Faculty of Arts, HKU

Admitted to the University of Hong Kong (Ranked No.1 in Hong Kong, World University Ranked 22)

Universal Music Hong Kong (Polygram Entertainment)

contract singer at the age of 19

Former dancer of pop stars like Aaron Kwok, Jacky Cheung and Jeff Chang at the age of 20

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